“There is a crack, a crack in everything / That’s how the light gets in…” - Leonard Cohen

Welcome to How the Light Gets In, a newsletter from Alexandria Art Therapy. On the ground, we’re an art therapy practice in Alexandria, Virginia, and we believe that regular doses of creativity foster an authentically healthy life. If you’re local, you might be interested in our newsletter to learn more about workshops or therapy services.

Beyond traditional announcements & updates, we’re writing about what it means to be a complicated, creative human living in uncertain times.

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Whether you’re an artist interested in mental wellness, a mental health practitioner interested in incorporating creativity into your work, a parent trying to maintain your sanity without losing your creative drive, or just a human being trying to make it through a plague, we’re here for you. You can expect our newsletter in your inbox every other week, with explorations on wellness + creativity, link roundups, and announcements.

Consider these letters a small burst of inspiration and solidarity.

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A newsletter on creativity and mental wellness